Nice to Meet You, i'M erika
career momma
water baby
I’ve had this website for a couple of years now, and it has been a real effort to maintain one. I’ve initially worked on this after giving birth to my first child, and now I’m about to have my second.
With everything I’m juggling as a woman, it still makes sense to have this site and be part of the daily circus. This is not just to merely share mundane things happening in my life, but to show and tell what is going on in the head of someone like me, who just might be someone like you–a career woman, a businesswoman, a water baby, a yogini, a wife and a mother.
I’d like to think that things that make me happy–my family, my work, my practice and all my interests–will be an honest reflection of who I am, which I hope would entertain, inspire, and help you in many ways.
My website will not just be a compilation of sorts, but an account of a life consciously lived, beautifully, meaningfully, and purposefully. And more importantly, a legacy for my children, who are my reasons for everything.

Get To Know | Erika
Favorite Travel Spot: The Beach!
Can’t Live Without: My Family!
Must Have Accessory: Gold Necklace!
MANTRA: Pray Hard, Work Hard.
Describe yourself in one Word: Crazy!
FAVORITE YOGA POSE: Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana)